Friday, April 13, 2012

On y go - The city of endless possibilities. For some.

I'm lying in my bedroom, in Aurillac.
A lovely city in France on the first sight.
The most peculiar city I've ever seen after a day spent.

The city, where hash is cheaper than McDonald's wrap.

They say that Aurillac is the city, to which all the drugs that come to France go to be redistributed.

So obviously, there are quite some people who spent their youth and pretty much all of their lives being baked all the time.

And the family I'm staying at is so Christian, they won't let me have a single beer.

I must say, I've never seen such a difference between stereotypes anywhere.

Oh yes, I've almost forgotten about their habits. You know, in English, when you meet someone you say "Hi". In Czech you say "Ahoj". And in French, you don't need any word for that, 'cause you kiss everyone instead.

They don't have any age limit for selling cigarettes. The shopkeep just has to decide, if they like you enough to sell. That's weird.

Though they have a great thing  here - menthol cigarettes with a little bubble of the actual menthol flavour inside the filter - and if you press it, it releases the flavour. Tastes even cooler than it sounds!

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