Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Disagreeing makes the world go round, not understanding makes it empty

I can handle different opinions very well, unless they limit me.
I don’t understand, how people can just look at someone with hate, saying „he’s weird“, just because the aforementioned „he“ does things differently .
It’s actually very comfortable, to have a rational disagreement with people here and there. It proves our uniqueness, how various our opinions about the world around us are, yet none is superior.
What however troubles me, scares me and hurts me is if I can’t understand people around me. I love to watch people. To think how they must feel inside. I try to understand everyone’s motives and emotions.  Some people can live their lives only with hatred. How is that possible? Doesn’t that make you feel guilty and disturbed? Why doesn’t  it? It should!
This kind of behaviour scares me.
I guess that’s the limit to human tolerance. The ability to understand. Today’s everyday man, troubled most with how the society thinks of him will never understand, for example, homosexuality. He’ll think: “Why is he gay? Does he not know what the people will think of him?”. And so, our everyday man will hate the unknown.
Perhaps, the key to understanding everything is tolerating everything.
Or, rather, that is the key for absolute freedom.
But in a world of absolute freedom, everyone has the freedom to take your freedom away.

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