Monday, October 22, 2012

Midnight Dreary

Happiness is the ability to appreciate the good and to not care about the bad.
This definition means that being happy is not going to fix anything [about oneself].
That's a huge disadvantage. But being happy is still worth it - that is, unless you have too much to fix.

But what if you can't be happy and you can't fix anything either? What if someone simply takes over your... well, you? What if someone can control what you can do and uses it to restrict you to the point that there's only one option for you?
Then the anger comes. Or madness perhaps, in both its meaning.

There is one problem with this anger. It brings a hangover. Some call this hangover "the feeling of defeat".

I've never heard of anyone who could cure defeat alone.
But what if the person who has power over you keeps you alone?

Then things aren't even grotesque anymore.
They're gloomy, dismal, dreary-

I've been given all I need.
I've had taken away all I wanted.

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