Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's not so hard to put emotions into words. Recreating them back is the real deal.

From few people who read my blog lately, I learned, that people focus much more on objective informations, rather than on abstract emotions.

This is not a blog about objective informations.
Most of those that I use, I only use to prove my point, or to make it more imaginable.
Exceptions, of course, are the plenty of (mainly popculture) references I make.

I am very interested in pop culture.
It might in its very self not be as wonderful as classical education, for example ancient greek, or renaissance, but it defines the world we live in today.

Also, the fame and the creation is much more complex in pop culture.
Nowadays, people have no chance to absorb all the information they get.
In ancient times, there was one truly remarkable piece of art in a hundred years.
Now it's all about making a place for yourself in the world.
That is a bad thing, generally - it doesn't give space to focus on the very art.
Meat-dress might attract some attention, but the message to the listener, most important part of art, is missing or poor.
It is statistically more probable that an ugly girl will make a greater, more profound artwork, than a bitchy sex idol girl.

Think about it, while enjoying this amazing and sadly enough very underestimated song.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A deadly, unreachable, the combination would be.

In the complex human psychology,
there are somewhere hidden 2 special feelings.
They affect our personalities, our social lifes more than we'd ever realize.

The first one is a need, a sense for individuality.
The second is a need, a sense to fit in a collective, to become a part of something greater.

Why do the stupid high school girls listen to stupid commercial music (apart from the fact they don't know any other music?).
Because they want to be just like their friends.

Why internet users form small closed off communities?
They need to feel a certain direction, meaning.

But there is also this feeling that cannot be explained, that when you look on a crowd of people, it makes you feel sad.
Knowing every single head and butt of that crowd is the same complicated person like you are.
It makes you wanna be different.

Only difference between people is how important they see those needs.
For me the individuality is more important.
I can, and I do tell people my opinion, knowing they might hate me for it.

Most of my friends feel the same way, I believe.
That's a good thing.

Aren't all our lifes just like this? They are. But they shouldn't be.

Double l

When people hear "Hollywood" the imagine just the movies.
But Hollywood is a cultural center in a wider sense.
It is a home for commercial music.
That makes it more interesting for me.

Because what affects regular daily life the most? I believe commercial music is one of these things.
In our everyday life it is more important than politics, than anything.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Think about a calm island in Caribean

So much is happening lately.
I can barely take it.
My friends get together, start dating.
Just I am still alone.
It seems my father found himself a new job. He's been in the same company for 15 damn years straight.

The only thing that truly calms me down, is the air in Prague, my town, at night.
For some reason I like the cold smoggy air better, than the clean air of Alp mountains.
I have certain feelings connected to the night air, the night city.
It is calm, forgiving.
It tells you today is a great day and tomorrow even better.
And right now, that's exactly what I need.

Do you know the feeling of enlightenment?
The feeling of having some order in your life.
It occurs rarely.
And almost exclusively when you're drunk.
Buddha had it once.
It's one of the most beautiful things.
But it's inexplicable.

Frankly, as always

Frankly, I'm quite tired of people who disrespect others with no obvious point and reason.
My and I believe the best and most fair way of how things should be is possible to express in a single sentence: "Do your stupid shit in whatever way you know and want, but please, don't hurt anyone, if it is possible to avoid hurting them".

Of course this philosophy, an utopia vision of better world, expects everybody to follow it. Otherwise, hurting (or even doing worse things - though there's only one worse that comes to mind) others is indeed acceptable, if they are threatening you or your personal freedom.

I'm not trying to change the world, that would be very naive. But I may at least try to change myself, for the better. No one gets only the right cards (as depressing it might be, it's the truth), I got my little or bigger fuckups and my vices. I got little bit of choleric nature from my father. None of my friends would ever say so, though. Either they're not too observant, or I've learned to keep the anger for myself too well.
I dare say, my friends almost never see me angry. Maybe once or twice a year, and I spend every day with them.
Truth is, to the outer world I appear sad, depressed, even timorous, while my blood boils high.

Or do I even get angry? Isn't it the truth, that when someone pisses me off I just get sad?
Reasonable fury is a good thing. But anger is like fire. It's dangerous. Hard to keep.
It'd be much better if people just got sad instead of getting angry.

Sadness can be one of the best things on this white wild wide world.

Learn to argue

There is an unsatisfied need for a reasonable and constructive argument within me.
That doesn't mean I just need to fight.
I like constructive argument, because they let you see into how others think.
Just as Sokrates was disputing with people, trying to prove them that they are stupid,
In a similar matter I converse with people about matters in which I have a comprehensive opinion.
I need to hear their view.
I need to empathize.
I need to understand them.

And don't you think that reference of Sokrates was purely coincidental.
I agree with majority of his notions.
He was very post-modern in some aspects.
And as a real philosopher should, he had the seed of doubt planted deep within him.
Not like baroque philosophers who were so convinced of their impeccability that they stood up for their ideas even if they've already proven false. Just because a philosopher shouldn't deny himself.

That's not true. Philosopher should deny himself. He should evolve. And that is pretty much a basic requirements for evolving, isn't it?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Adolf the Awesome

I know I'm being a terrible asshole right now,
but you have to check out this hitler smile face: /:=)
Admit it, you laughed.
We're all going to hell, aren't we?

Anyways, when I see this one :-3, I don't see a cute whatever it is, but rather a person with balls in place of chin.

Alice in chains

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree-
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" was his response.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Can't wait!

their album's done.
they are nailing down live dates.
for me the greatest musical event in 5 years.

followed by avantasia's metal opera Scarecrow trilogy. That was an awesome thing too. Spent hours thinking about the meanings of the songs, or discussing them online.

Yout get it? Limericks at their finest.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.
But he followed the pair to Pawtucket,
The man and the girl with the bucket;
And he said to the man,
He was welcome to Nan,
But as for the bucket, Pawtucket.
Then the pair followed Pa to Manhasset,
Where he still held the cash as an asset;
But Nan and the man
Stole the money and ran,
And as for the bucket, Manhasset.

"Bleeding from his brain and his wallet"

Allah works in mysterious ways.

So much happened to me during last two days. For the good and bad.
First I got to know my score in evaluation for exchange trips to foreign countries is just below the line - I had 110 point, minimum was 120. All of my work during last four years felt fruitless. Just fucking 10 points. How surreal is that? I got to know this yesterday.

Also, my autistic friend about whom I'll sure write sometimes seems to be getting kicked out of school.
He got to know that yesterday.

Also, I don't have ANY cash for this Christmas. Seems like I'll have to starve just to have some money left for presents. So what, I'm used to starving. I never have real lunches anyway.

Today, however, brought change, brought light.

In the morning, my father discussed with me the events that lead to having such not-good score. Exact opposite of what I needed, I must say. You can imagine how excruciating it is for me, to taste major failure in events that really change my life for the first time. I never was a "leader of the pack" or a "draft animal of the class", but when I cared about something, I always managed to push myself to the limit. Not this time however, which is a thing that undermines my self-consciousness in a most painful way. And my father repeating what all I fucked up is just what brought the inner storm to surface, so to speak. Oh gawd, I hadn't had cried this much since I was thirteen or so. Ok, maybe I did cry like that 2 months ago, but I was drunk and depressed in a long-term. Only reason I'm not so depressed anymore is, I just don't have time to be depressed.

But to not demonize my father, he really quite stepped up and thanks to him (and the god), he somehow managed to get me a deal: I have to prove the voluntary things I've done for school and I'll get the 10 fucking points so I'd be able to apply for the exchange program. I didn't ever really participate in school activities, I have lots of my own, but there are at least 2 things I've done: graphical design for poster of our yearly school celebration and I participated in chess tournament (now call me renaissance person!). I got to do both purely by chance, but seems those 2 little details saved my ass.

Either god is real and trying to give me a sign, or chance is really fucking with me.

Another great thing that happened today is that I (again purely by chance) got to know about a school trip in June to Rome. It wasn't official, only students with subject history of arts were given the opportunity and they had 2 places free, so I asked the profesor, if I can go too. And surprisingly he said I can!
A little piece of paradise; this profesor is known for going to pubs and drinking with students (even the minors - but don't take him as a sicko. He simply trust the students to be grown up enough to know what they're doing. Also the crew of the trip is quite interesting. 8 girls, my gay friend and I. Rock the Vatican, bitches!

And just to top it off - I went to informational meeting for MUN conference today. What is it? It's almost the same like a real UN conference, except students from different schools participate and every school represents certain country on the conference. Just imagine the great opportunity: learn all about some random country (There's 193 countries in UN, we can get ANY country from that) and then, go to Germany for four days, to negotiate the best possible for "your" country. +I'd probably be staying at a partner family's house for these four days and I've always had nice experiences. By definition people who let a stranger to stay at their house, and feed him must be very pleasant and friendly.

Now go read Voltaire's Candide. It's a book from baroque philosopher Voltaire, about life of 2 another philosophers - one of then is optimist ("the god created everything to work out just in the very best possible way") and the other is nihilist ("no matter how hard you try, the devil may always come and destroy all of your work. And the devil is hidden behind everything, almost").
Well yesterday I was the nihilist and today I am the optimist.
It exactly matches.
And the best is - under given situation, both are the most objective views of world, even though they are extreme.
But life has to be extreme, to not be boring, don't you think?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Down in the dumps.

Sometimes I wonder.
Is it all really worth it?
All the things I do. I have to do.
All the shit that happens to me.
Wouldn't it be better to just live a simple life and be happy somewhere out of frentic city life.
Mucking horse dung in a little farm somewhere on the end of the world is instantly a pretty happy image.
It is peaceful.
That's just what I'd need.

It seems I won't have good enough score in school evaluation to apply for an exchange trip.
Something I've been looking forward to, hoping for, the last 4 years.
And now the beautiful dream just fades away.
All the effort was good for nothing.

And doing some work that proves to be completely meaningless in the end is perhaps a thing that buggers me most in the white wild wide world.
All the blood and tears.
For what?

It also seems that my autistic friend will get kicked out of school.
He is a genius, but he never knew how to behaved.
Although he always tried to do it right.
I've always felt sorry for him.
Now he must have a fucked up life.
The school is all he got. He got bullied on a previous school, now he found a place where at least part of people respect him. Have enough wits to know he doesn't MEAN to do stupid shit to people.
Is he going to lose it all?

Heartless bitches.
No matter how hard you try, no matter what you try to do,
Some dickhead always fucks you in the ass.

The All's going down the shitter.

I seriously need to get pissed.
But I don't even fucking have money for that.
Seriously, there's -1 dollar on my account.

Broke as shit.
For the first time in my life, failing what I hoped to achieve.
Seeing desperation around me.
Knowing if I won't start working now I'll have lots of damn problems.
But do I even care?

This all is slowly killing me.
And maybe not even so slowly.

The god must be testing my will. What an arse.

My "Cold dish month" just began.
My home is head over heels, 'cause we're getting new floor in kitchen and living room.
Whole family stuffed in guests' room.
My stomach feels like shit.

And I used "my" 3 times in last three sentences.
Capital punishment for violation of stylistics.
Castration for being egoistic jerk.
But who should I write about on my own blog?
How come blogging page's text editor doesn't know the word blog?

Anyways, this (school) year has been damn crazy.
I started returning home usually at about 7 in the evening.
But today I got home at 4. "So much time!", I thought. Then I fell asleep. I did need a serious sleep for sure, but killing another afternoon is just inconvenient.

I find my lack of time disturbing.

How's your day so far?

It is quite a paradox.
If someone asks me about what I was doing today, it it really uncomfortable for me to just repeat them every damn thing I did since I woke up.

But if no one asks, I write it down myself.

Maybe it's because the people who'd make me happy by asking 'bout my day don't ask me a thing and people who I have nothing to say to, in the most inconvenient moment always ask.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poor veggies


Just because animal feelings are closer to ours doesn't make them worth anything.

What is objectively more vital and important?
A bear or a tree?
A chinese man, or the rice he grows?
A politician, or a tomato?

It's an absurd question.
It doesn't have a correct answer.

At what point exactly is eating veggies better than eating animals?
Veggies don't have feelings? Hardly so. They do. We just don't understand them.
It's proven. If you talk to flower it grows faster. Literally. The biochemical processes in flowers are somehow aligned with sound frequencies. And doesn't this "somehow" exactly follow the definition of feelings?

Ok, so let's assume we don't want to hurt the flowers either.
We can only eat shit then.
But shit is a fertilizer for a plants. Some plants would die without it.
It would be like taking water from Africans.

So what do we do now? We die?
Do some of us really rather kill themselves, than anything else?
Knowing anything else would kill them without a blink of an eye?
Is conscience a life-saver for humans, or their ultimate weakness?

You gotta think twice.
Vegetarians think just once.
Vegans don't think at all.
Eco-activists think thrice.
Eco-terrorists think four times.

Sad + happy = super-happy

Okay, I noticed this phenomenon in music.
Sometimes, happy songs begin with rather sad intro, which makes them even more cheerful in contrast.
It's a good idea, a good concept.

Learning to describe and understand things that amaze you is quite vital, don't you think?

Examples of such songs:

Notice the great bass, that gives the song RHCP-y groove.

Who wouldn't resist the "savior"?

The workings of the world of man

Whilst enjoying my dose of cursory entertainment
I stumbled upon this, a shining piece of something honestly profound.
I won't tell you anything about it, except the name: Thoughts.

Strangely mysterious, yet completely familiar.
The senility is the second youth.

Going to UN conference this Thursday.
Yep, some might think: what does a 16-y-o do on a UN conference?
Well I don't know either. Just solving some world problems I guess.

I feel quite drawn to humanist studies.
Hiding behind cold numbers isn't for me.
Though I still do quite good with a computer.
But computers nowadays are more like a living beings, than like a machine, aren't they?

Monday, November 21, 2011

The fame is evanescent.

Because if you ask people about the best-looking actresses, you get plenty of Emma Watson and Megan Fox.

But who would say Audrey Hepburn?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Inner dispute


I see a lot of people who obviously don't have their shit even.
Now that's nothing to be ashamed of, I don't think I have my shit even either.
But don't show it around.

People don't need to see that.
No one likes pussies.

The best way to deal with that is to find a willow to talk to.
Allegorically, you don't need to talk to a willow literally.
Something like this blog is for me.
A diary perhaps, but I'd personally feel like doing something pointless, writing a diary.
The fact that anyone can read this makes it feel meaningful to me.

Sometimes I wonder, don't I expose myself to the unforgiving and relentless world of interwebs?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I wish it was my computer that was freezing.

The winter came in full scale.
It's cold as fuck.
Though I might as well use it - the snow of the Alps, here I come!

Yep, tomorrow I'm going for a skiing trip so don't expect nothing from me.
Might as well surprise you, if I get to the internet.
But I probably won't.

I have a lot on my mind now, but I have too many things to do and too little energy to write it all down.

Run from the noise of street and the loaded gun.

The sooner their new album comes out, the better.
And if they'll tour, I'm ready to go anywhere in Europe to see them.

Occupy my ass!

Sorry about potential mistakes, I am not so familiar with this matter, so there may be inaccuracies.

Even though I hate when not well-informed people really hold on to their opinion, I've decided to write down some thoughts on Occupy Wall Street movement.

From my very special perspective they appear to me as whiny bitches - the "social scissors" problem, how we call it in CZ (scissors stand for the difference between the poor and the rich) is much more of a troubling matter, for there is almost none middle class in CZ, there is just the upper class and the hard working people. And they just do, they don't complain.

Also essentially, I have to agree Occupy have a point - the corporations suck too much money outta us. But then again, this is a bigger problem in here as we are a small country so large companies such as convenience stores, banks, or car makes are subsidiary to foreign corporations, which means the money corporations suck out of us go to (mostly) Germany, or other countries. In US the money at least stays there.

So do I support Occupy? Hell, no! They can't make a rational solution to the problems and they don't have support from anybody how could push their ideas through parliament.
Instead, I kind of agree with the tea party and their solution of the matter. It isn't either ideal to me - politics are full of compromises - but it's definitely a better and more promising way.

P.S.: + I fucking love tea.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cowboys of today

Did you notice, that quite a lot of things, mostly historical things, got their name from a swear word used for them? Baroco, gothic, cowboys...

It is somehow relieving to prepare materials for teaching a little kid.
Not only I can make quite a lot of money doing so - the pay is about 2,5x bigger than what I'd get working in McDonald's (in CZ branches of McDonald's workers are forbidden to take a tip. And the pay is miserable).
Also, I really enjoy teaching kids.
And I can remind myself of the basic stuff.
I even wonder how come I know so many things I wouldn't think I do.

I wanted to blog about beliefs.
But it's simply too complicated for me now to come up with anything interesting at all and not repeat myself.
I need inspiration and the boring foggy today gives none of it.
Maybe I'll get my mind straight during my vacation.
Maybe not.

There is a certain human ability or rather an attribute, a characteristic -
If you are deeply fond about someone, you don't see their mistakes, their wrongs.

It can be a good skill for sure - a self-preservation matter.
Yet it can also prove to be a misleading and cruel form of not realizing some vital things.

Don't ever take a man his faith.
You may not agree with it,
but if it doesn't hurt you, or anyone else, in a pointlessly demeaning way,
let them have it.
We all need our little somethings. Be it a god, a science or simply a soulmate.

Don't take away my naivity, because I often like to yield in it's sweet surrender, not being forced to do anything.

Well you see, I squeezed some belief stuff in the end.
I see it isn't formulated well, but I don't seem to have the strenght to do so.

I need me some markings to end my posts. Any idea?
something like "xoxo" but less gossip-girl-fangirly.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is there a life before death?

Is not being able to stay mad at some people a weakness?
Yes. And it maybe a cruel one.
In some matters I must confess -
I'm quite naive.
That's why I have to find someone as naive - but not more, not less.
If I think about it, I don't think I know someone like that.

Argh, I just wish I could escape all of my countless troubles at once.
Taking a little vacation next week, little skiing on a glacier.

I didn't do a shit today.
I skipped my dancing lesson,
Twice in a row.

Instead I just lied in my bed, listened to music and jammed along with my guitar.
And when there were no more songs I know and didn't have played,

I started playing Skyrim.
It really does drift you away from the reality.
That might be a good thing sometimes.
But I don't think it really was so today.

But to be honest, there was actually something bright today.
I went to a cooking class in the morning.
The teacher was one of the chefs from national TV, Filip Sajler.
Very infantile guy at his heart.
Though he seemed to know a thing or two about cooking.
However I don't think I have enough money to spend it on such costly ingredients for cooking.
Maybe I'd rather appreciate some knowledge about how to make a respectable food out of horse shit, than recipe for special Neapolitan pasta with mussels.

Friday, November 11, 2011

So sinister, so sinister.

I am just a small toddler, I am crawling through the little flat I used to live in, until I moved when I was 3 years old.

There's heater under the window.
Somehow I miraculously manage to climb on it.
I jump through the window and fall down, to the pavement.
I get up to my four and go in.
I climb the stairs back up to my flat.
And jump from the window all over again.

This dream always returns to me.
It's scary.
And it just repeats until one fall wakes me up.
Probably that fall would kill me in that dream, if it wouldn't wake me up.

But you can't die in a dream.
You don't have to exist in a dream, you don't have to be alive in a dream.
But you cannot lose your conscience in a dream.
It would simply wake you up.
And sometimes it does.
But it's always in the morning.
And people dream all night, every night - but the only dreams they remember are those from the mornings.
But how come that you just don't get into a situation that would wake you up in the middle of the night?

Dreams tell quite a lot about people.
One of my friends keeps committing suicide in her dreams.
She seems happy; but she is very cynical about certain things.
That is quite paradoxical, ain't it?

I've been basically doing 2 things this week, not including today: learning and sleeping. No time for anything else.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Allegedly, everyone will come to a point in life, where they realize religion is important.
Or not religion maybe. A faith is important.
To believe in something is important.
And there's only one thing that can assure you your faith is true and that doesn't leave you to doubt.
A human being.
Believe in you bizzare gods, your fetish images of a perfection, I don't take it away from you.
But god just doesn't smile at you and he doesn't tell you he cares about you.
You can say he likes you because good things happen to you. But how do you know it's not just luck?
In human eyes, you can see the truth, if it's there. It's somewhere deep. You see it in the eye of people who speak the truth. They have this strange bright blinking shiny thing in their eyes. It's a reflection of their mental state. And now matter how heartless, I don't know anyone who could speak the truth without facing an inner conflict.

Though I know how persuasive can an idea be. Even if you create that idea. If you repeat or hear repeatedly something, it just gets into your head. Soon, the concept becomes an universal truth.
In 1950's when communist took things in their hands in CZ, they kept repeating how they were building up a better world for us, and about how today is better than yesterday. People hated this bullshit. They were of course noticing how things go down the shitter.
But eventually, the resistence died down and some people even started attending celebrations of the regime by their own will.

'Twas the same "some" people, as those who know visit churches in US. I'm not judging them, ideologically I accept most of the Christian values, but I just want to say, that some people need to believe in a better good. Better, than what an ordinary mortal can give.
(We'll talk about how the idea of religion survives in the capitalism next time. That doesn't make it a less concerning matter of course, I'm just too tttt* right now).

*too tired to think

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Moves like Jagr.

Oh, m'boy.
You need 4 things for a lovely evening:
-Double fermented pu-erh black tea.
-shitloads of school stuff due tomorrow.
-Lana Del Rey remixes.
-Adrenaline rush in form of table hockey, ending with deserved winning. (Charlie Sheen-kinda style).

He wipes his bald with lubricant!

I do like most of my teachers.
Sometimes, I may not agree with their way of teaching, but it doesn't really matter.
And then, there's this one teacher.
He teaches me the Czech language. That I never did like very much anyway - even my personal blog is in English, though it's not my mother's tongue, you see?

Today, he gave out our lyrical short essays on "Autumn morning".
He pointed out few good sentences and few bad to whole class.

One of mine was a sentence he found good. Interesting, because he hates me as well. But I don't really care, he's quite a xenophobe.

The sentence was (translated to English):
"I never knew, what should I think about the melancholy of Autumn morning."

He said: First, I thought this was a bad sentence. Why would anyone think about Autumn morning? You just DON'T think about it when you wake up and your eyes are all blurry and stuff. But when I read it several times, I thought it's actually quite good, in the end. A little mysterious, anxious. Sometimes even people who usually express themselves very clumsily can unawarely make a good sentence."

He always was very emotion-less and quite treacherous. Never expected him to be fair. He cannot be fair actually - sometimes it would just mean he has to accept that he's wrong, which is absolutely impossible for him.

Anyway, what he said about my sentence - though it's very trivial quite made an impression on me.
First off, it shut off my self-consciousness about my style of writing. Most of the people I've shown my work to was very enthusiastic about it, yet he - probably the only professional who saw my texts - says that I express myself very clumsily. Also, it made me raging angry. Because he just thinks that things are exactly how he sees them. No other way. Giving no room for any originality whatsoever. And that proves to be very limiting.

Also, which is another indicator of how heartless he is, absolutely denied the "deppresive atmosphere" of fall, stating that it is only "teenagers' thing". He may be partially right, but c'mon- he just doesn't get to say anything like this. He just reads and make an opinion. And this opinion is not valid at all. That of course doesn't prohibit him from thinking so, but it should prohibit him from saying so out loud.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Someone told me I'm an interesting person.
That almost feels like the highest achievment in my life.

I feeling like posting only untitled fragments right now.
If a guy remembers colour of your eyes after a first date, you have small boobs.
What kind of terrible, fucking, cynic shit is this?
Jeez, that's just DISGUSTING.
You people fucking DISGUST ME.
Even my lamp is so disgusted, that the light bulb just started flashing.
No, seriously, stop it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Could just someone, if you read this, please, write a comment?
I feel like I've made all the 260 views that are here (the counter is at bottom).
Pwetty pwease?

Buddhism: trolling the shit out of you since 1459!

Two monks got a kitten.
They like it very much so they argue about who will get it.
And then, older, more experienced monks comes around and takes it.
He says: "The one who will tell me who Buddha is will get the kitten. And if none of you answers right I will kill it".
They both start thinking and they both guess, but older monk says they are wrong and kills the kitten.

They are so sad. And when the third young monk, who is rather dumb comes they tell him what happened.
He says: "It's easy". Then he puts his shoe on his head and starts shouting "Trolololo, trololo, trololo".
Older monk hears that and says: "If you said this, I'd have left the kitten alive".

Time for an evening depression.

Catch the rainbow, see the light.
We will shine.
(It's got 16 minutes - so it's in 2 parts)

When I woke up today I said I'm going to make somebody love me.

Note: I may eventually have to delete this post sometime. Depends on course certain things close to my heart will take in the (near) future.

Sometimes the inspiration strucks me. But I always forget it, before I get to write it, so now I decided to smite the iron whilst it's hot.

Quite a long time ago I got into this stupid bet with my friend.
If he invited out a cute girl he liked (and still does, obviously),
then I had to invite out a cute girl I liked (do I still do?).

Now this friend of mine is dating the girl. They are a really nice and lovely couple by the way.
He was always little introvert, but a good guy.
And she's a good girl. I mean, good to people.

But it puts things for me in a rather harsh perspective.
I don't see any solution.
I am so shy.
Only when I get drunk I become suddenly a real gentleman.
But I always get refused.
Wait, one time I didn't. But I found out that girl was doing it just for the bet. And it wasn't even a bet for honor like this one, but a bet for money. And I kind of hate her for that.

Relation bets are fucked up stupid thing.
How could I have ever gotten in one?
It's a long time since I made this bet - I believe I was 14, barely 15 maybe.
But just what the fuck? Why for god's sake?

Hating someone for doing the same thing I now have to do.
It's a very depressive feeling.
I know it uncomfortably well.

Anyway, now I have to invite some girl out. Luckily that friend of mine said it doesn't have to be the girl mentioned in bet, but anyone I like. I haven't seen that girl in quite a long time.
But this would be a great opportunity to just get my shy ass to actually doing something I might be very happy that I did later. But it isn't. Because all the girls I like are quite shallow-hearted.
I really do seem to have a terrible likings in girls. There are just girls I feel like I would do anything for, till I realize all they would do to me if they had a way would be exploiting. Sometimes actually IS exploiting. And I'm a nice guy. I don't mind things that don't hurt me and make others feel better.
But I just cannot withstand girls that just punch you with a ping-pong bat if you witness your love to them. And that was far less metaphorical than it did sound.

(I feel bad for talking about girls quite like they were a livestock in this article. I find it very demeaning. But I couldn't find any other name of expressing myself without actually giving out the names. As I've said dozen times before - I hate american commerciolization of love. And I feel a little bit like a doer of this now)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bolivian cartilage

Some people are just aggressive dicks.
Like Mike Tyson.
But ultimately, it's not their character that was so aggressive in the first place.
It was their surrounding and misery. And what made their surrounding so bad? The level of education.
People without the proper know-how about how things work in life see a lot of meaningless stupid shit around themselves, that isn't actually there.

I got a very nice proof:

C'mon, really?

Guess what I did today!
A big ol' effin' nuffin'.
I have lived the day of average unemployed today - just chilling in bed with my laptop!
Even smartasses sometimes have to turn their petty brains off and think with something else.
Preferably not dick or stomach.

Does cyanide have anything in common with cynism?

Some people may be really introvert and on first look, they may seem to hate people.
Some people may be really friendly and on first look, they may seem to love people.
But the reality can be just the other way.

Some people are just not capable of deeper love.
If I think about people I know and whether they could really be deeply fond about someone, I think it's more often that boys are the shy ones, yet able to have much deeper feelings.
Girls on the other hand are usually more coldhearted and much more pretentious.
Guys are just straight. Their social interactions are much more simple, not so complex.
Or do I just know only bad girls?
Sure there are some of them who can appreciate for more than just "you're funny".
Somewhere out there.

They say there are plenty of fish in the sea.
But I'm nowhere near the sea. I'm in the desert. Alone.

90's were a pretty messy time

In 89' there was a velvet revolution in Czech republic.
Why velvet?
Because it wasn't as bloody as other revolutions in Europe.
Is it a good thing?
I don't know. People are not so horrified as they should be, by what happens on a daily basis in totalitarian state.

Anyways, communism in 1950's was just about what americans imagine - cruel army leaders taking no respect for anything else than themselves.

But in the 1970-80's it was totally different. The regime got much softer. No tanks on streets. The communist principals were no longer generals ruling with iron fist - they were rather old men trying to hold their seats by convincing people that here, in CZ everything was quite okay, while americans were murdering each other on the streets. They used to say how things are great. Of course they didn't forget to mention it was them who made things so great. The work plans were accomplished by 300%, yet the production was almost none. Everyone could see that, but did they fully realize that? Probably not. And that was what the regime was hoping for.

But then, the observant students ignited the flames of revolution. No one had any contact with foreign world, but from information that leaked they knew it was better in the west.
The regime surrounded quite easily. Only few demonstrations. Rather peaceful. On, and there was this one guy who ignited himself, taking example from buddhist priests in Vietnam. But else it was quite okay.

The real hell unleashed in the 90's.
The common folk got acces to all the foreign stuff they didn't have acces to during the whole communist era.
Some guys with an idea became millionaires just on importing cheap shirts from china.
Disco music quickly became very popular. I mean VERY popular - there was nothing quite like it during communist times. We were almost as obsessed with US like Chinese people are now. People were sick and tired of czech things. They wanted something new!
They didn't care about how good was that czech brand of cigarettes. They bought cigarettes from US, just because they were from US. Coca-cola became a real hit.

And what did the czech intelectuals do?
They were making fun of it.
What else should they do?
The whole land was filled with enthusiasm.
Everyone could see things were getting better from day to day.
Must have been such a wonderful time.
I almost feel sad I wasn't even born back in the time.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's basically undergound tubes filled with dinosaurs and peanut butter jelly.

Internet is an endless well of information.
Some people, however, are not able to deal with such huge amounts of often contradictory or false stuff.
Those, without a certain intellect and a skill to make a reasonable opinion (operative word: reasonable) get usually lost somewhere in this alternative world.
I've always said, that those who are uninformed shouldn't be allowed to affect things/change things.
Simply, because nothing good can come out of it. When I read discussion in comments of any political news, there's nothing but flame war. And now don't blame "smart" trolls, who are just making fun of everyone.
There's whole lotta xenophobic, rasistic and delusional opinions that are surely meant.

The democracy in it's finest - public referendums and such, can only work in countries where there's only a small low-class and in countries that are small. Such as Switzerland.
In CZ, there's almost non-existant middle class and there is a lot of hard workers against little number of executives.
That only fuels the xenophobia and the hate to everything unfairly superior to those dirty foot-soldiers.
And then there are gypsies. They get social benefits almost as high as regular workers' paycheck.
That also does no good; people blame gypsies for not working, but gypsies cannot work. Communists in the 1950's forbid their nomad lifestyle and forced them to settle down, found them a job.
Everything worked until communistic regime fell and government stopped the integrating program.
And this generation of gypsy kids just can't begin working in a minute. They never saw their parents go to work, so why should they?
Also, gypsy kids are usually sent to special schools, even though their mental health and capacity is equal to others'. Gypsies steal for living, create societies ruled by mafia and often move only to escape their gypsy authorities.

Now gypsy is equivalent to a thief in Czech.
Simply, because people don't care about how it really is.
They have to blame someone, at least to retract the guilt from themselves.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

If we all kept attention every single minute of our lives,
we would all be smart.
But in reality not even the smart keep attention every single minute of their lives.

And sometimes, if you aren't concentrating, you are bound to have problems later.
So you just have to choose the time and the place to focus on.
That's pretty hard, isn't it?
And there's no rational way to know these things.
Also because they don't really make sense.

If you fire up a fireplace, you're warm for a day. If you set yourself on fire, you're warm for the rest of your life.

So, basically, if I won't learn physics I will die.

Procrastination, it shall be.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What should I say?

Well, I guess we're all pretty much fucked up.

Oh, sure, why?

It is impossible to life your life without disappointing someone you love.
So it's all about preferences.
A wonderful example: I once stayed the next day after a house party to help clean the house. And when I came home, my father kept shouting on me, yelling that "I was sleeping out my hangover".
It is unfair.
But I am happy I helped. It was fun. And yes, I did have a monstrous hangover. But I certainly didn't sleep there.

And if you're maybe even close to satisfying everyone around you, you may never satisfy yourself.
And eventually, your illusion of living surrounded by true love and love only will break and the little shattered pieces will stab right into your little soul.

I certainly must seem like a terrible son right now.
And it saddens me.
Yet, I can't be everything.
Can I?
I guess I could try harder.
If I kept my shit together.
Breaking down is easy.
And I like challenges.
Even though I often lose.

I'm only happy when it rains,
I only smile when it's complicated.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Of all your pretty horses before...

This songs refers to shit she's done when she was young.
She had been bullied until...
she became a "rebel".
Sniffing glue, smoking weed, shoplifting.

Obviously things that clash with her calm personality today.

I am unbelievably glad I don't have to pretend like that.
I don't have to fear of making the popular people angry.
I can just do shit the way I do.
It's very soothing.

Teen people are usually quite like animals given means to harm.
I will never be teen in this aspect.

Almost 200 hundred views.
I made almost all of them.
I am always clicking the refresh button weirdly expecting something new to appear here.
But only what I post is here.

Oh and a quick tip.
Don't be pretentious whores.
I mean some measure of hypocrisy is tolerated.
But don't be pretentious whores.

And here you have a video made by pretentious whores to tell people to not be pretentious whores.
But I guess becoming a pretentious whore is a matter of being a musician now.

Just an unusual day.

Hokhay. (inside joke: Ze end of ze world)

These days I leave for schools when it's dark and I come back again when it's dark again.
After school I went into a bar to find myself locked there.
How? The door handle broke down and the door couldn't be closed and it was cold.
And then, someone slammed it. BUT we couldn't open it afterwards.
Wouldn't that be just terrific? To get locked in a bar. Only with gallons of beer, plenty packs of cigarettes and pickled sausages.
We did of course manage to open the doors eventually.

Then I came into a tram and I sat down.
Few stops later, an older woman came, so I stood up like a real gentleman to let her sit.
She said: "Do I look so old already?"
I said: "I would have let you sit even if you were 4 years old child."

Sometimes it's not so hard to make grumpy people smile, but you just gotta try.

I left the tram just to wait for another one.
I knew I was barely making it for the bus that leaves for my suburban shithole from another station, where I first needed to get by tram.

I was little nervous, because I figured if I wouldn't catch the bus I'd have to wait for like an hour in a freezing cold.
And the tram finally came.
So I went in.
And suddenly a beautiful girl wearing a bed sheet passed by me.
She got into the same tram as I did.
A weird little lovely urban angel.

That tram was a jet tram. That's how I call trams that arrive to my station in the same minute as the bus leaves.
Adrenaline rush unleashed as the doors opened and I ran like I was running for my life.
Ignoring my surrounds.
But I did watch behind my shoulder who was leaving the tram.
It was a final stop so everyone had to leave.
But I couldn't see the girl in the snow white sheet.
And probably, I will never see her again.

The merciless city doesn't throw opportunities for free.
And sometimes you just don't get no opportunities no matter how hard you try.

Come Alive

A lots of bands try to make a living just by concerting.
And they don't seem to realize, that going for the same tour, same cities, same venues every time is not the best way.

Why don't they ever come to CZ?
Blackbox Revelation, Electric Six, Franz Ferdinand,