Thursday, December 27, 2012

Comrade Blogger.

I'd like to address an issue that's been bugging me for far too long now.
A lot of people gets discredited for being in communist party before the revolution.
That's just stupid.
Post-communist countries in general are crazy about communism.
Communism was wrong and it didn't work (except for maybe a couple years on Cuba [maybe the actual problem is with stalinism, not with communism]), anyway even the worst regimes have bright sides. Fascist military is far superior to democratic. Communist social politics worked just fine. Minorities were treated just as they should be.
But I don't want to advocate communism.
What I really want to say is;
Some people just had to be in "the party".
It was not uncommon for a college-educated intellectual to end up working on minimal wage in a coal mine just because they refused to join the party.
Frankly, I know many good people who were in the party.
And a fair share of them protested in 89' during the revolution. These people would have lost EVERYTHING they ever had if the revolution failed.
Being a member of the communist party is, well, a bit shameful, but definitely not enough to make a person worthless to the society.

For many joining communist party was simply survival.
Live or die.
That simple.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My hero Mr. Weebl wishes you Merry Christmas.
That makes two of us.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pro Visions

Christmas treats and jugs of beer.
I chug, I chug,
and my nerves bleed
and vision blurs and
visions multiply.

I envisioned bright lights
and tree and gifts and
pounding hearts and
carols singed without
a pride.

Your ears wouldn't feel cold
even if you were an elf.
And that's quite an achievement.
And the fireplace is cozy and it
burns like heaven.

Indeed we can feast!
Carp's a noble mudfish
and potato salad is not for pigs.
Unless we're pigs.
Bitter heavens, I wanna be a pig!

Spiraling Down

Vicious circle in 3D is even more vicious.
The gravity loves depths, and especially
the gravity of this situation.
Go ahead; ask me.
Is this a poem or just prose?
Are there thorns on that rose?
And thus, we're one more line below.
Because when I write...
...every line is a circle.

Monday, December 17, 2012


A word used by those in power to describe those with different values.
Frankly, I am sick of hearing it over and over again.

Last several days I have been obsessed with an idea; a machine, where anyone would be able to "record" everything that happens to them on any day, including ideas, emotions, senses... And then anyone could load a day of a different person.
Simply, it would allow people to share fragments of their lives.

I wonder, what would happen?
Would we start hating each other, because even though we're largely ignorant of our own faults, we would never forgive others' faults?
Or would we finally understand each other?

Responsibility is a myth.
Moral code is personal and unique for everyone.
Success in fulfilling one's values does not give them any right whatsoever to impose these values on anyone else.

And one more thing.
I just found out about a great art project by Candy Chang.
She set up a studio in Las Vegas, where people could anonymously post wooden plaques with confessions.
I'd guess her project helped people more than a hundred psychologists in a lifetime.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm afraid of hates.

I've seen too much unhappiness tonight.
Whatever you believe in, be it numbers, genes, Darwin, God, yourself...
You will, or are, asking why?
But you're not a child anymore, knowing why spoons aren't flat doesn't satisfy you.
And, well... neither it satisfies a child. Whatever you answer, they ask another why. And then they ask you about life and stars and love and you don't know.
And then you say you get impatient...but really, it's all just being uncomfortable. Uncomfortable with being asked questions that you can't figure out the answer for.

No matter what you get up for in the mornings and no matter what you think about when you go to sleep...
I just hope you...
never become cruel, cynical.
It's a simple wish, and a cheesy one.

Not caring is okay.
Caring to harm is evil.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's worth living to feel.  Feel anything. Goodbye sucks but... that feeling in your gut justifies it. I think it does, anyway...
It's late night/early morning.
I barely know what I'm writing anymore.
But I desire to write, to share.
No matter what?
No. I wish to share this feeling. Empty, yet swarming.
That's not a thing a keyboard could do, shamefully.
It is a time for me to give up the America.
See you around? Not for a while I guess.

There is a time barrier...
falling asleep now gives an end to all of this.
Do I want it to end?
I sort of did, when it was distant.
Do I want now?
Well, shit.
This is not the first time I submit myself to chance, god, fate... and whatever it is, it hasn't been treating me too badly.

13 stripes and 50 stars.
One triangle, one stripe.

Bigger is better?
"Všude dobře, doma nejlíp?"

Missing around.

I am not shooting, yet I am starting to miss.
Miss, will you miss me?
And you, miss-ter?
Maybe I'm just miss-interpreting all the signals.
Will I ever see you again? That remains a miss-tery.
But it's not all miss-erable.

It's miss-demeanor time.
And I'm not going to miss a single chance to
get a kiss under the miss-tletoe.

I'm a big fan of this shit.

It's strange...
Maybe I expected something to be physically different at this point.
I thought about what's going to happen for months...
And now it's just nineteen hours away.
I'm going home.

I feel anxious inside. It is one of the strangest feelings. I can clearly remember a young black girl waving at me and with a full smile saying "Have a nice life!"
That's rather drastic. Have a nice life. That's a nice way of saying "From this point on I will not partake in anything related to you. You are out of my life and I am out of yours. This is game-over. Continue button does not work. It's your fault. But I am not mad. It's a bit sad. I found answer to Shakespeare. Not to be.
It's not to be."

Historians say it's too early now to evaluate second world war.
I say it's hard to rate the shit that didn't even hit the fan yet.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Beautiful video. And it includes shots from Prague!

Pretty Lights - We Must Go On (official music video) from Pretty Lights Music on Vimeo.

Is it art yet?

There used to be times, when writing was only used to tell stories about knights with super-natural abilities who would kill all their foes.
Sounds a bit like Call of Duty, doesn't it?

All art forms take much time and need much development to evolve into something else than a low form of entertainment.
First movies were a thing for fun-fairs and circuses. The fact that the pictures move was just enough to entertain people. Since then viewers' tastes and expectations have made a huge leap.
But what about art forms even more recent than movies?
What about videogames? Electronic music? Hip hop?
They still haven't exhausted the excitement of "something new, flashy!"
Barely anyone would call a plot-less, pointless shooter game a work of art.
Much of mainstream hip hop uses formula "beat+bragging=Top 1 Billboard).
Most mainstream electronic music only cares about sound. Harmony? Melody? Tempo? All replaced with "wubwubwub" (yes, I'm simplifying. I know not all mainstream electro is dubsteb; but you get the point).

To me this makes it really interesting to care about these genres. I can see them evolve with my very eyes. And I'm pleased by there being many artists ahead of their time. You wouldn't say that's even possible with something so contemporary as videogames or electronic music, but it sure happens.
I was very pleased when I recently saw Pretty Lights' video for We Must Go On. I loved it. It's loving atmosphere is very refreshing, considering how violent the messages usually  conveyed by electro are.
I loved Heavy Rain. It's perhaps my new favorite videogame. It's brilliant, innovative, heart-touching.

Perhaps the revolution arrived. Even Call of Duty, shining beacon of all primitive in gaming, began to change; Black Ops 2 would support that. I am also delighted by the fact that Beyond: Good and Evil is going to be one of the biggest PS3 games next year. Projects like this and studios like Quantic Dream sure deserve their bite of mainstream media.

And of course the most mature and developed is indie scene. There is at least strong correlation - is not causation - between simple and pleasing (as opposed to beautiful) art and consumerist business model.

Perhaps poetry is the greatest of all arts, then? You certainly can't make any money with poetry.