If you ask some people what is the thing they care about most when selecting a partner, they answer:"My partner must be smart and beautiful".
That is very trivial, because it doesn't really tell anything about them.
What I would probably say is: "I care about how I feel in her presence and whether she has a spark in the eye.
Again, the first part - how her presence makes me feel - is very trivial, yet very important.
But I'd like to talk about the second part.
Some call it chemistry, some call it fate, I call it a spark in the eye.
Because it simply is a spark in the eye.
When a girl looks at you, smiles and you look back at her. Look her in the eye. And even if you were till then in the gloomiest mood, you just have to smile. You are paralyzed.
Or maybe not paralyzed.
Maybe "lost" is fitting better.
Lost in a deep gaze.
Her eyes put down the usual boring grey suit.
And the physics and psychics join.
You feel like you see INTO her.
And inside, everyone sees something different.
Someone sees a wild party.
Someone sees warmth of a home - a burning chimney washing away all your fears and worries.
And someone doesn't see anything. And those people are the greatest cynics. Or aggressors.
I don't know what I see, to be honest.
But it is very addictive feeling.
I wanna be a junkie.
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