Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lust for gold, die alone.

In one of the previous posts, I mentioned Internet story short movie (link: )
It really taken my attention, so I have decided to gather some facts.

First thing - the short movie reffers to nickname Al1 as it would be a regular name, such as Allan, or whatever.
BUT if you do just a little bit of thinking, you'll find that AL1 could be also written AL(one) and you got [drumroll] ALONE.

So grotesque.

Next thing, the account on youtube doesn't exit anymore. If you type in it says that account has already been deleted by its user. Important part is that USER HIMSELF deleted it. Also, there was a video of him going to Wales. That must mean he did NOT die in Wales, because he wouldn't get to post it otherwise (no smartphones capable of doing so in 2005).

However, you can find an account with all his videos called     -but there are some weird things about this account. It was created in 2008, that is 3 years after the said murder, and last time it was edited is the same day it was created. The videos are posted in 2010.

One of the most important clues is the fifth video. It seems totally pointless and empty - and it doesn't have a straight end. It is composed by camera shooting the scenery, probably from a bus, and there also are shots of a shovel. There is a weird focus on the shovel and its basically only single thing worth noticing in this video.
Now let's go to AL1's website, where he is digging a hole and hiding the money. And we'll find out...

Gives me creeps.

Now it would seem, that mr. AL1, aka Fortress commited suicide and made the videos just to warn people about it. He hid the treasure and made a video about uncovering it.

But then I stumbled upon a very interesting comment on xxxxFortressxxxx youtube channel.
It quoted a text from list of unsolved murder cases from Britain, stating that there was a murder in yellowhill and there were found TWO SETS OF FOOTPRINTS on the crime scene. That is strange, because
1) they say a farmer found the dead body, if one of the footprints would be his, it would mean suicide.
2) maybe farmer didn't find it while walking (maybe car), or just his footprints weren't counted. That would mean a struggle and a murder
3) let's think about the state of footprints. They say that farmer found the body 3 days after the death and from fortress's video it seemed like a nice sunny day, so how could footprints last for 3 days? How come the wind and rain didn't mess them up (there could be an investigation in this clue - maybe find what weather was like these days? but I don't feel like doing so).

Lots of investigators claim the whole story is fake, because the newspaper article doesn't exist. I have tried to search for the list of unsolved murder cases, but there is NOT a single unidentified murder victim for whole year 2005 in this list. So maybe both the article and the police report quoted by user didn't ever exist. Or maybe, they were just taken down for sake of investigation.

If its indeed fake, I show my deep respect to makers of the short movie, for creating such a great piece of art, that makes you think.
If it however truly happened, I grieve for the person found and I wish he could share his story with the rest of us.

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